Right of Seattle

Doing the job seattle talk radio and the other bloggers won't

Location: Kent, Washington, United States

I was born in San Francisco and grew up in Anaheim. I really didn't have much interest in politics in those days.Other than Pres Reagan anyway.My wife turned me on to rush limbaugh and the rest as they say is history.Some Consider me a hard core conservative.I don't,yes I am a conseravtive but I'm more open minded than the hard core ones.For 10 years we lived in skagit county during that time I was a pco Area chair and county yr chairman.Since my wife and I moved to Kent almost 3 years ago the fargo precinct in the 47th district where we make our home has sat empty.Its been actually 5-6 years since its been vacant. The King Gop doesn't like me so empty the fargo precinct sits.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The saga of Reagan Dunn and the state GOP

Good Evening

Over the past few months a lot has been said about Reagan Dunn.
A short 3 weeks I told you about how the friends of Jennifer Dunn
donated 10,000 dollars to the county GOP. In essence buying rob mckenna's
vacant position on the king county council.Not to mention trying
to influence the outcome of the Hammond-Dunn race.

Well, its about to happen again. I have just learned that Jennifer
Dunn has been in discussions with Chris Vance about endorsing
Reagan Dunn for state chairman.Jennifer Dunn has 1.3 million
dollars left from her last congressional campaign.The state GOP
is just over 1 million dollars in debt.1 million of Jennifer dunn's
money has been offered to pay off this debt.

What they are doing here is once again trying to buy a position
and influence.Chris Vance I'm told will run for the state senate
seat in his home district.As for Reagan Dunn he lost once to Steve
Hammond he will lose again when he runs for state chair.

How do I know this?For now you will have to just take my
word for it.At the appropriate time everyone will know what
I'm talking about.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

King GOP what's next

Good morning,

After a weeks hiatus I'm back.by now all of you know
how the king GOP convention turned out.Steve Hammond
won in what I believe was a big blow to the GOP leadership
of king county.They never expected this to happen.

Reagan Dunn of course is at this point staying in the race.
Big surprise he was never going to drop out.Even though
he agreed to if he lost. The only thing that surprise's me
is how little the king county GOP seems to be concerned
about it.

I have to believe that if the outcome were reversed
and Steve Hammond decided to stay in the race.These
same people would be calling from him to drop out and
screaming bloody murder until he did.

These people were and are so in the tank for Reagan
Dunn they don't know what to do now. If you ask Reagan
Dunn he can't make up his mind why he stayed in the race.First it was well
the outcome was to close. We need to let the people
decide.Then it was Steve Hammond broke the 11th commandment
so I have to stay.Then finally it was well if the court upholds the
new election procedures then I will drop out.

just what will it be next?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Good afternoon

This coming Saturday marks the beginning of a new
day in King county republican politics.This convention
is where it all begins.Come with me as we take back
this party from the elitist that have ran it into
the ground.

This the largest county in the state of Washington
will have a great republican party once again.
This county party as it stands now is in large
part responsible for Dino rossi's loss.

They did not get out the vote in 2004 and
it hurt Dino rossi's chances.This must not
happen again.We can turn this around not by
blaming the voters but by getting them to
believe in this county party again.

If enough of us stand up and be heard.
we can make a difference at this convention.
We cannot allow these people to buy the district
9 council seat.Steve Hammond worked hard
for these people he deserves to be reelected.

I hope to see you all there Saturday.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dallas and King a political tale of two counties

Good afternoon

We just returned from a short vacation to Dallas,Texas.
As I look back on our trip its truly amazing how a county run by a conservative
government is so different from one run by liberals.

Lets take a look at some of the differences.
there gas is less than 2 dollars a gallon.
my wife and I took a ride on there rail system.
a system put together pretty
well I might add.you can actually by a brand
new house for less than 130,000 dollars.

The people for the most part seem pretty
happy with life in Dallas.They continue to
build and expand a record number of businesses
and homes.I could go on and on but I think
you get the idea.

Contrast all of that with king county.
there gas tax is the highest in the nation
right now. The rail system oh wait!
king doesn't have one have. They just spent
millions trying to determine what to do.

As far as buying a house is concerned
If you are lucky you might find one
under 250,000 dollars.A majority of
people here are still not over the 2004
presidential elections.Just look at
all the cars that have either a john kerry
bumper sticker or a moveon.org sticker.

Lets jump back for a moment to Texas.
It was a short 20 years ago that the state
was run by democrats.The republicans in
Texas conceived a plan to turn the state
into a republican one.

Now it took over 20 years to accomplish
the job but they did it.It was a brilliantly
conceived plan.It worked because people
didn't give up.

Contrast that with the GOP here.
well do I really need to do that.