Right of Seattle

Doing the job seattle talk radio and the other bloggers won't

Location: Kent, Washington, United States

I was born in San Francisco and grew up in Anaheim. I really didn't have much interest in politics in those days.Other than Pres Reagan anyway.My wife turned me on to rush limbaugh and the rest as they say is history.Some Consider me a hard core conservative.I don't,yes I am a conseravtive but I'm more open minded than the hard core ones.For 10 years we lived in skagit county during that time I was a pco Area chair and county yr chairman.Since my wife and I moved to Kent almost 3 years ago the fargo precinct in the 47th district where we make our home has sat empty.Its been actually 5-6 years since its been vacant. The King Gop doesn't like me so empty the fargo precinct sits.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Bellevue Mafia and How there Screwing up the Washington State GOP

Good Afternoon:

Some of you may think I should tread lightly with this.
that's not my style and its high time someone took this
group to task.This is a story about a group of individuals
who have for years been systematically running this
party into the ground.Your about to find out how.

The Bellevue Mafia has its origins with Veda Jellen.
For years Veda ran the state GOP from behind the
scenes. The idea that her crowd knew better than
the rest of us who the candidate should be.The strangest
part about that is they didn't care if there was a better
candidate out there.It was there candidate and it didn't
matter if the person had a chance of winning or not.

Now lets take a look of some of the members of this
illustrious organization.In no particular order by the way.
Veda Jellen has passed away in case you were wondering.
Ralph Munro: I remember about 10-12 years ago Gene
Goldsmith was running for reelection in Whatcom County
for the state legislature.Gene ended up losing under very
suspicious circumstances.His campaign was able to find widespread
documented vote fraud.Being the secretary of state at the time
it was Ralph Munro's job to investigate.Ralph refused to do
so.You know why?Because Gene Goldsmith was a conservative.

One of things you will find out about this group is there
utter disdain for conservatives.Della Newman:I have known
Della since my Skagit County days.Unlike most of the executive
and central committee members in skagit I challenged Della
on some of her unique ideas.She didn't like that of course
so we weren't the best of friends.

John Carlson: Yes Mr talk radio himself is part of this as
well.I remember prior to this years King GOP convention
John would have everyone believe he was neutral regarding
the 9th district council race between Dunn and Hammond.
I just didn't buy that story,so I did a little checking around.
As it turns out his wife had made a couple donations to Reagan
dunn's campaign and was also on his payroll.Really who was
Mr Carlson trying to fool?I wont even go into the Susan Hutchison
debacle back at the end of July.

Dan Evans , Slade Gorton, Jennifer Dunn These three are legends in there own
minds and lets just leave it at that.J Vander Stoep:J had worked his
way into Dino Rossi's Campaign staff and would have been Dino's
Chief of staff had he taken office.I have to question Mr Vander Stoep's
loyalties.He gave money to Norm Dicks last congressional campaign.
Not only that It was he along with Evans and Munro who convinced
Dino that he needed to back Chris Vance this past January for state
chair.They did so because they needed there interests along with there
friends protected.You know various people that did business with
the state gop.Had Dino asked Chris Vance to drop out of the race
like he was going to.All of this would of went away because in all
likelihood mark hulst would have cleaned house.This
group just couldn't have that happen.

That brings us to Chris Vance:Well most of you know what I think about Mr Vance.
So I will just add this.The media in this state has completely missed the
boat I think regarding Dino Rossi's contesting of the election.The legal team
they had in place was not all that experienced in election law.In fact a lot
of these people were Vance's cronies. Vance could have had David Adams who
was heavily involved in the 2000 election debacle in florida.David called Chris
Vance and offered his assistance.Vance never called David back.With the kind
of money spent on the legal battle over 2 million dollars to be exact.Chris Vance
could have had the best.

There are 2 areas that all these individuals have in common currently
1. They are all in the tank for Mike McGavick because in there twisted way of
thinking it doesn't matter whether he has the best chance of winning.Its who
they want and to heck with what everyone else thinks.2.Conservatives are there
least favorite people.They don't think conservatives can win in Washington state.
When in reality its most of there candidates that cant win.

This Group does not represent all of us,not even most of us.They sure
don't know better than you or I who the candidates should be The grassroots
of the state republican party have got to start fighting back.It begins with
the upcoming US senate race.I am told Chris Vance is going to make a motion
at the upcoming state central committee meetings this weekend in Yakima
that they endorse Mike McGavick.This should not happen Chris Vance does
not speak for all of us.We as members of this party cannot tolerate this any
longer.There are other perspective candidates in the race they deserve
the same chance as McGavick.Once and for all we need to rise up put an end
to the Bellevue Mafia!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dunn-Hammond the final bell

Good Morning

Let me start by saying I do not live in the 9th district.
So I don't have a vote in this race.The way that this
has all gone down is a contrast in styles.On the one hand
you have Steve Hammond who has handled it all with
class and dignity. Reagan Dunn on the other hand has
acted like a 3rd grader who can't have his way.

From the very beginning Reagan believed he had a divine
right to this position.The lack of character on his part is
appalling to date he has had 5 different reasons for staying
in the race.Reagan said he would run a clean campaign that
he wouldn't tolerate any mud slinging on the part of his
campaign.This is complete and utter nonsense from the
personal attacks on Steve Hammond and his supporters
To the endless cheap shots Reagan keeps taking at Steve
Hammond in the media.

Not to mention how in the tank the King GOP leadership with
the notable exception of Monica tracey and bob Strauss are
for Reagan dunn.What the king GOP leadership doesn't seem to
realize is they are causing serious damage to the future of this
county party.I believe should Reagan Dunn go on to win in the
primary that those on the south side that have supported Steve
Hammond will sit out the general election.Not because Reagan Dunn
won but because of the way he won.They don't believe they will
have a voice anymore.They already believe the king GOP isn't interested
in anything they have to say.

What this will do is cost David irons the election because he needs
the south side voters to put him over the top.Reagan Dunn still hasn't
said what it was Steve Hammond said or did to violate the 11th commandment.
I don't want to hear from any Dunn supporters about how Steve Hammond
pointed out how he is different from Reagan Dunn is being dirty.If the candidates
aren't able to point out differences between themselves and there opponents
then we are finished as a political party.

Cant you Reagan Dunn supporters see how transparent he is being.The timing
of the meth watch program and the rolling out of the rural bill of rights are just
to calculated.Why wait until now when Reagan could have introduced these ideas
months ago.If Reagan really cared about the citizens of district 9 he wouldn't have
waited until now to bring them forward.Proving that this whole thing was all about
Reagan Dunn.

Now I'm sorry for being hard hitting about this as I have but someone has to do it.
One more thing don't anyone try and convince me that what happened on
on up front with Robert mak was a debate.It was nothing more than 10 minutes
of softballs being lobed by mak.Well the final bell in this race is about to go off
who knows what will happen.

Coming this week (The Bellevue Mafia and how they screwed things up in the Washington Gop)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The US Senate Race Upclose and Personal

Good Morning,

Even though the US senate primary is a little more than a year away.
I thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look at the race.
First lets begin with Mike Mcgavick:The chosen one by Chris Vance and
the establishment.Right now it doesn't look to good for Mr Mcgavick Among
the dark clouds hanging over his campaign are the investigations of safeco
by the state and federal governments. I'm told its serious enough that he
is working overtime to try and keep himself out of jail.

Now I know his supporters all site that recent poll that showed him only
trailing Maria Cantwell by 8 or 9 points.It does sound pretty good but alas
it will not get much closer than that.All the democrats have to do is find
some individuals that had bad experiences with safeco and its over before
its starts.Its my understanding that the democrats are just waiting to nail
Mcgavick should he win the primary.What I find most interesting among
some of his supporters is they try and make excuses for his stance on some
of the issues.Take for example his refusal to sign a pledge not to raise taxes.
What do his friends say about that?Well he doesn't want to handcuff himself
in case the need to get revenue in a hurry arises.

Mr Mcgavick's biggest obstacle is how his candidacy has divided the state GOP.
Many party members are tired of having candidates pushed on them
because Chris Vance thinks he knows better than you who the candidate
should be.I know mcagvick can't unite the party they simply will not rally
around him.

Lets move on to Diane Tebelius:I know Ms Tebelius just finished up a tour of the state
to determine the interest in her running for the senate. Her biggest challange is a lot
of those that would back her candidacy are already backing mcgavick.She has also
alienated a number of people with her behavior after she lost the 8th district congressional
race.She didn't handle losing very well and that surprised a lot of people.A friend of mine told me
that what she really should do is take on Sam reed for secretary of state next time around.
Ms Tebelius has a little explaining to do anyway.For example what exactly did she do
on dino rossi's defense team to be earn 107.000 dollars?At this point know one really
knows.She also needs to come clean on the circumstances that lead her to leave the US
attorneys office? In addition to that she has been heading up an 11th commandment
committee for the state Gop.Most everything is done in secret,Ms Tebelius
wont tell almost anyone when the meetings are. She excludes those from attending the meetings that would like to come.

Ms Tebelius past history tells me she will not be able to unite the GOP either
She simply has burned to many bridges to have the party rally around her.

That brings us to Susan Hutchison:I think its pretty obivious how I feel about
Susan.So I wont say whole lot more about her for now.Other than this it disappoints
me greatly that many of you who know I'm a conservative won't take my word for it
regarding susan.Let me ask all of you this do you really think I would support someone
as I am Susan if we didn't share a lot of the same beliefs?All I would ask you to do
for now is wait until she is ready to announce before you decide about her.I know
you won't be disappointed.

So what will happen now? I will stick to my previous prediction If Susan
decides to run She is going to win the whole thing.There is know doubt
in my mind Susan is just that good.Ok enough already until next time.

Next time(A final look at the Dunn-Hammond race)