Right of Seattle

Doing the job seattle talk radio and the other bloggers won't

Location: Kent, Washington, United States

I was born in San Francisco and grew up in Anaheim. I really didn't have much interest in politics in those days.Other than Pres Reagan anyway.My wife turned me on to rush limbaugh and the rest as they say is history.Some Consider me a hard core conservative.I don't,yes I am a conseravtive but I'm more open minded than the hard core ones.For 10 years we lived in skagit county during that time I was a pco Area chair and county yr chairman.Since my wife and I moved to Kent almost 3 years ago the fargo precinct in the 47th district where we make our home has sat empty.Its been actually 5-6 years since its been vacant. The King Gop doesn't like me so empty the fargo precinct sits.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Its been an incredible five months and I am more convinced now that I have ever been

Good Evening,

Tonight I am in Clearfield,Utah as I write this.
Pretty soon we will all know if Mike McGavick is
the only republican candidate for US Senate.It will
be unfortunate if he is because I know we can do
better.The State Gop continues to unravel day after
day.Sadly even Dino Rossi appears to be part of
this mess.Lets face it they are in big trouble and the
excitement for Mike McGavick just isn't there.

I know it may sound hopeless but its not.There is
a light at the end of the tunnel.In fact its a very
bright one.Susan Hutchison has been shining that light
for quite sometime now.In the almost twelve years I
have been involved in Washington State politics never
before have I seen anything like this happen. The state
party establishment is scared to death of her and a whole
lot of party members are so excited over Susan possibly
running for this office.Even more so than Dino Rossi.

Even before I met Susan a little over five months ago I knew
she was the right person for this office.The fact
is I didn't think I could be anymore convinced.Well I was
wrong,As I have gotten to know Susan more its become very
clear to me what an amazing and special person she is.
Back at the end of November She was speaking to a republican
organization that is known for being probably the toughest
group to win over.What I observed that night really had
me in awe.Going in I knew Susan would do just fine.

What I didn't realize is how good she really is.Susan was
sensational.Never in a million years did I think anyone could win
that organization over the way she did.They have all strongly
committed to supporting her.I now know that given the opportunity
she can convince anyone to support her.Why? because Susan is real
what she says come from inside her.She really connects with people.
The republicans in this state need Susan Hutchison.When any of you
get the chance to hear her speak don't pass it up.

Well its been an amazing five months for me.The fact is its been
life changing.I am so honored to be able to know Susan and call
her a friend.This bares repeating, some of you have discarded me
and the blog since this all began.It doesn't matter because in my
heart I know Susan Hutchison is the right choice to be our next
senator.Susan I hope you run.


Blogger FreeRangeAuthor said...

Ooops. There goes the conservative hope. The good 'ol boys keep chugging along ...

Hutchison bows out of Senate race; all systems go for McGavick

or http://snipurl.com/ly4w
if the long url breaks

1:35 AM  

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