King County GOP will they ever learn
Its been awhile but I have said a lot about the king county GOP leadership
in the past.Guess what? There back!!.Just when I thought they couldn't sink any
lower.Well they have.As some of you may know Brian Thomas was nominated
at the king county GOP convention for the 2nd district county council position.
In typical king county GOP leadership fashion they have chosen to ignore Brian.
executive board member terry Thomas told Brian that the party would pay
his filing fee.So Brian then spoke with the chairman Michael young about
get the fee paid.Now Michael says I never said we would pay your filing fee.
Of course terry Thomas denied ever saying they would pay it.Not only would
they not pay it if you look at the list of candidates on king county gop's website
they have refused to even put brian's name down as someone running for
the 2nd district council position. In fact there is nothing at all.
These people are really something Michael young talks about having a
big tent but in reality its a very small one.they are also giving Steve Hammond
the brush off. Now that favorite son Reagan Dunn decided to stay in the
race.Steve Hammond is an honorable man he deserves this party leadership respect.
but sadly I don't think he will ever get it anymore than Brian Thomas will.
Why?Because there both conservatives.With this kind of reckless attitude
they will continue to drive people away and lose elections.I wonder will
they ever learn.
Next week( yes there will a column every week from now on)
They story of Susan Hutchison the one candidate who
can unite the state gop.The only one who can defeat cantwell.