So when did free speech become illegal in the King County GOP?
When its needed I have been pretty outspoken about them.
Well here comes another one of those times.Let me say that
this is not a fun thing for me to talk about.
This all began back at the king county GOP convention
in June.Phil Fortunato became a surprise late opponent against
Pete von reichbauer.One of the things fortunato did was he had a
brochure detailing some of the differences between he and von reichbauer.
Sounds reasonable doesn't it I mean who wouldn't want to know that?
Well not to Michael Young it isnt.Thats right Michael young told fortunato
he couldn't distribute the brochure and if he did the delegates would not
be allowed to vote for him.Such an American thing do, my first thought
was you have got to be kidding me.I wondered what would happen next.
Soon enough I would find out.
This past weekend at the annual King County GOP picnic it happened again.
Edwina Johnston was handing out a flier she had put together detailing
what she believed had gone terribly wrong with the redistricting
of the king county council.Yes she did mention by name von reichbauer,
Reagan Dunn and that democrat Jane Hague who masquerades as a
republican on a daily basis.
Some of you may not agree with what Edwina said but she had a right to
say it. In Michael youngs world she doesn't .He told her she couldn't hand
it out and if she did he would have her arrested.So this is what its come to
trying to intimidate a 72 year old woman.Thats real class on the part of
are illustrious party chairman.Meanwhile Reagan Dunn stands near by thinking
how funny it is.Reagan you wouldn't think it was funny if it happened to you.
You have also demonstrated that if it was a brochure or one of your supporters
attacking Steve Hammond you could care less.
This is supposed to be the republican party of king county not
an outpost for Michael young to decide whose views he likes best.
Oh and before any of you say that what Edwina Johnston or Phil
fortunato did is against the county or state bylaws don't.Because its
not true.Now I know Michael young says he was doing this for
party unity.Sir you cannot have a united party when you try
and silence those that don't agree with you.
Let me give you an example of how you do it the right way.
Prior to moving here I lived in skagit county.It gave me the opportunity
to work with one of the best county chairman that I have ever known Mark
hulst.When mark took over skagit was much like king is now.
They were divided and had not won a whole lot of elections in a long
In a short period of time mark was able to unite them.He didn't do this
by trying to silence anyone.He let them all have there say and while he
didn't agree with everything they said.He respected there opinions and because
of that they respected him.The party members then worked together and
guess what they had a lot of success.
Mr young you should be ashamed of yourself and your goons for
trying to scare a 72 year old lady.The only thing you accomplished
was making yourself look foolish.If you had any honor at all you
would do the right thing and resign.At the very least you should
apologize to Edwina young for what you did to her.Oh and it doesn't
really look to good when you have John Wootress threaten others
with physical violence that don't agree with you.Its not very becoming
of a leader of political party to do that and certainly not something
that George W.Bush or Ronald Reagan would ever do.
If you want to turn king county around this kind of
behavior must stop at once.
Next Week The US Senate race Up close and personal.
(For those of you That are Interested My personal profile is
finally up.Along with my email address.